Alexandre Espinola Catramby
and english
Practice focused on litigation, especially on civil, business and public law, in strategic and highly complex cases. Strong background in credit recovery proceedings for financial institutions. Advises several companies and banks, especially in the draw-up and negotiation of banking-related business contracts. Recommended as a Dispute Resolution lawyer by Legal 500 Latin America since 2014, and by “Análise Advocacia 500”, since 2013. Catramby has been referred by CLOs of leading Brazilian companies as one of Brazil’s most admired lawyers in civil and business law.
Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences
Law School of the University of Lisbon (2010)
U.S. Legal Methods: Introduction to U.S. Law
George Washington University Law School – Washington, DC (2007)
Specialization in Law of Obligations in the New Brazilian Civil Code
Study and Research Center in Law – State University of Rio de Janeiro (2003)
Graduate degree in Civil Law
Candido Mendes University – Rio de Janeiro (2002)
Bachelor of Laws
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1999)
Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)
São Paulo Chapter (2016)
Rio de Janeiro Chapter (1999)
Portuguese Bar Association
Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAR) (2005)
Das Relações entre o Tribunal Arbitral e o Poder Judiciário para a Adoção de Medidas Cautelares
Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2011. Author of the book
Dicionário de Princípios
organized by Profs. Ricardo Lobo Torres, Eduardo Takemi Kataoka e Flavio Galdino, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 1149-1160. Co-author of the book
Transformações Contemporâneas do Direito das Obrigações
organized by Profs. Gustavo Kloh and Maurício Mota, Elsevier, 2010. Co-author of the book