Leandro Bertolo Canarim
and English
Tax lawyer with background of over 15 years advising national and foreign companies and individuals in court and administrative cases, at all instances, relative to local/municipal, state and federal taxes. Also provides advisory services, such as drafting of legal opinions, measures to prevent notices of deficiency and due diligences
Master’s degree candidate in Law
Catholic University of São Paulo (in progress)
MBA in Tax Management and Review – Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas
University of São Paulo (2010)
Extension course in Tax and Accounting Planning
Catholic University of São Paulo (2008)
Graduate degree in Tax Law
Catholic University of São Paulo (2006)
Bachelor of Laws
Mackenzie Presbyterian University – São Paulo (2004)
Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)
Rio de Janeiro Chapter (2010)
São Paulo Chapter (2005)
Centro de Estudos das Sociedades de Advogados, CESA