Marco Deluiggi

Marco Deluiggi


Portuguese, English and French


Practice focused on dispute resolution, in national and international arbitrations and civil, business, corporate and administrative cases


Master’s degree in Arbitration, Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Universidade Paris II – Panthéon-Assas (2006 - 2007)
Bachelor of Laws
Law School of the University of São Paulo (2003)


Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)
– São Paulo Chapter (2003)
Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAR)
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
– Young International Arbitration Group
International Chamber of Commerce
– Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF)


Arbritragem e Prescrição
in A Nova Lei de Arbitragem Brasileira – Lei nº 13.129/2015, coord. Flávia Holanda and Ricardo Medina Salla: IOB, August 2015. Co-author: Olympio J. M. L. de Carvalho e Silva
Going through the Car Wash
published in the Practice Area Focus of Latin Lawyer Volume 14 Issue 5, July 2015. Co-authors: Adam Masin (Reed Smith LLP partner) and Anna Cecilia Rostworowski da Costa Buff
Business Fraud and the Law in Brazil: A Practical Guide to Advising and Defending Clients
in Global Business Fraud and the Law: Preventing and Remedying Fraud and Corruption, coord. Thomas E. Zeno, Rebekah J. Poston, Colin R. Jennings, Practising Law Institute (PLI); 1st edition, May 2015. Co-authors: Renato P. Stetner, Anna Cecilia R. da Costa Buff and Pablo Naves Testoni
Sentença arbitral estrangeira e sua conformidade à ordem pública material
in Arbitragem Nacional e Internacional, coord. Ana Luiza Pinto and Karin Skitnevsky. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2012
O conflito de culturas na produção de provas em arbitragens internacionais
in Arbitragem Internacional: UNIDROIT, CISG e Direito Brasileiro, coord. Cláudio Finkelstein et al, Ed. Quartier Latin, 2010


Valor Econômico 
Impactos positivos do novo Marco de Garantias